Seitz Technologies, which still manages the company today. We are a full service ticketing company located in the Commonwealth of Virginia and serving the East Coast. How does full service ticketing help our customers have a successful event, and why should Ticketstobuy® be your choice? Most ticket companies offer a self service ticket system which puts all of the responsibility on event organizers and promoters to sell tickets, provide electronic email marketing, provide phone support, provide charge by phone service and ticket printing to name a few. With Ticketstobuy®, you can rest easy that your ticket operations are being handled thoroughly and professionally. Ticketstobuy® was founded in 2002 by

One of our active service vehicles.
What is a venue “primary” ticket company? A primary ticket seller is the “authorized” ticket seller designated by the venue and its promoters. Ticketstobuy is a primary ticket seller, representing many venues in Virginia.
What is a “reseller” ticket company? Resellers are exactly that, they purchase their tickets from a venue primary ticket seller ( like Ticketstobuy) and re-sell them to the public at a higher price. When resellers, or otherwise known as “scalpers”, charge exorbitant prices, only the buying public loses. Confidence in buying tickets for concerts and festivals is reduced due to huge reseller ticket prices and attendance is reduced. By going directly to a venue, event website or social media page, links are provided to purchase tickets for the event or festival. The links will direct buyers directly to the “authorized” ticket seller.